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Malaysia Championship Series Round 3 2022

Thanks to everyone involved in the race this time especially the technical crew who worked hard 24 hours before the qualifying session started.

This race was quite challenging when our car had an engine failure during the test session, the day before the qualifying session started. We have no choice but to exchange a new engine for our Honda Jazz. The task was completed brilliantly by the technical crew without any problems.

For this race, we also changed the strategy where no driver changes were made during the race.

Race #1 – Aik Sha
Aik Sha started the race well from the 16th grid before the “safety car” came out on the 4th lap until the “pit window opened”. Arguably, the real race only starts after the pit stop is done. Aik Sha continued the race, competing and exchanging positions with two Suzuki Swifts. However, he agreed with the car’s limitations and was satisfied with the 15th position. Even so, the official results put him in 9th position after several cars were canceled due to technical issues.

Race #2 – Sharina Ramlle
Starting in the 9th grid, the race this time was smoother without safety car interference. Racing without any problems, he finished the race in 13th position and managed to renew his best time record.

With the limitation of cars using replacement engines, we are satisfied with the results this time. The exchange of strategies where the drivers drive alone for an hour is also part of the team’s preparation for the final race which uses the “300km race” format. See you in the final round in September.

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